Turning Junk Into Debt Payments

I posted previously about how much junk I have and how I’ve wasted money on ‘stuff’. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve started work on getting rid of this stuff and turning it into some cash for extra debt payments. So far this month I’ve brought in an extra $267 by selling stuff that was collecting dust on a shelf or hidden away in a closet somewhere (you know, in case I needed it some day). I can’t say that I miss any of it. Well, I do miss my Seinfeld DVDs a little, but I already watched them once and it was unlikely I would watch them often enough to justify the cost (could always get them on Netflix later). This money will be going straight to debt and that actually has me excited to find more junk to turn into cash.

I took some books and DVDs to a local used book store to save some time over listing all of them on Ebay. They don’t pay a lot, but for not-so-popular items, this is really a time saver. I also listed some items on Half.com. Only one has sold so far, but the price is decent and the fees you pay to Half.com are much lower than on Amazon.com. I listed the higher value and more popular items on Ebay. I tried a few new things on these listings, with mixed results. I started the prices really low and I don’t think that worked out so well for me. I’ve never done this before and I felt like most of my auctions didn’t finish as high as they could have. I also listed on a Saturday and I’m not sure that was a great move either- I’ve always listed on Sundays before. I can’t tell which change resulted in the weaker results, but I’ve always felt better about my Ebay sales in the past so I will be going back to my old ways next time.

I still have a fair amount of stuff to sell, but I’ll be very busy wrapping up a project this month so it may be a little while until I can get the rest of it sold. However, this will give me some time to take a few more looks at the shelves and closets and see what else I can do without- do I really need those Simpsons DVDs? I’m afraid I don’t. 🙂

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