Omron HBF-500 Scale Review

Omron HBF 500 reviewI’m using the Omron HBF-500 Body Composition Monitor with Scale to track my weight, body fat, visceral fat, skeletal muscle, resting metabolism, and BMI. I really like the scale and I’m happy I bought it. If you aren’t tracking your body fat at all right now, I recommend you buy this or a similar scale that tracks body fat. There are less expensive options if you already own a scale and just need a way to track your body fat, such as the Omron HBF-306C Fat Loss Monitor (recommended by Lazy Man from Lazy Man & Health).

*Note – You need to be between 18 – 80 years old and between 3’4″ to 6′ 6-3/4″ tall for this scale to work for you.

The Omron HBF-500 Body Composition Monitor with Scale is about the size of a typical bathroom scale, but with a little more weight and bulk (hey, just like me!). With a multitude of buttons and a complicated digital display it looks quite a bit more advanced than the average bathroom scale, but don’t let that scare you–it is very easy to use once you get familiar with it.

You need to spend a few minutes configuring the scale before using it the first time. The first step is to set the date and time because the scale stores up to 90 days of results.

Next, you enter some personal information so the scale can track your statistics. This can be done for up to 4 people, and if you don’t want to store data or if you have used up all 4 spots, anyone can use the scale by selecting a ‘guest’ profile. You can also delete profiles and create new ones at any time.

Once you’ve stored a profile, using the scale is fairly simple, although you need to pay attention to the order of operations in order to get correct measurements.

Before stepping on the scale, turn it on with a large button on the back. The display flashes and changes to 0.00 when ready. After the display shows 0.00, and before you step on the scale, lift the display unit out of the scale (the small T-shaped thing) and hold handles firmly. Select your profile number and, finally,  step on the scale. Wait a few seconds for the display to show your weight and begin to flash ‘START’. Then, raise your arms up to a 90 degree angle while holding the display (this all sounds a lot more complicated than it really is).

The scale rates your results in each category, based on your age and gender, with 4 classification symbols “-, 0, +, ++” (0 is normal). And these are saved for 90 days, so don’t worry about remembering everything each time you weigh in.

If you want to quickly check your weight without all this rigmarole, just turn the scale on, wait for 0.00 to display, and step on without grabbing the display unit. You don’t need to select a profile and your weight won’t be saved.


The instruction book is very informative on its own. Take some time to read it, because it describes what each category is, why it matters, and what range you should be in. For example, I had never heard of visceral fat before (it’s fat that surrounds internal organs). Turns out, too much visceral fat leads to high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

There is some debate over how accurate this form of body fat measurement is, but, unless you’re entering some sort of competition, all that matter is establishing a baseline for tracking your progress.

For myself, I was never going to go see a personal trainer or other professional to get my body fat measured, so this scale provides an easy to use body fat measurement at home that I can do any time (this is extra important when you don’t feel too proud of your body in its current shape).

I paid about $65 for the scale at You may not want to spend that much money on a scale, but I would encourage you to get something, anything that allows you to measure your body fat. Omron also makes a handheld fat loss monitor for about $27, which makes sense if you already own a scale and want to save a little money. Or, if you don’t already own a good scale, just spend a little extra andget the Omron HBF-500 Body Composition Monitor with Scale so you can establish a baseline and track your progress over time.

Reader Tip Roundup – How to Change Your Life

I received a lot of great comments in response to my post, What I Have Learned Since Starting My ‘Finance and Fat’ Turnaround. Here is a compilation, in the order they were posted, with links to the bloggers who shared their wisdom. Enjoy these tips and be sure to visit these sites as well. I read them all regularly and highly recommend them.
Single Guy Money – I’ve learned that I in order for my financial position to improve, I must get rid of DEBT!

Mrs. Micah – I’ve learned a lot, including that I’m going to be in debt for years (but I can influence how many) and it’s hard to attack debt when you’re in an flexible income situation.

Making Money Journal – If you are part of a couple, both have to be on board the get our of debt bandwagon, otherwise the climb will be nearly impossible.

Quest For Four Pillars – What have I learned? Maybe not to over-analyze too much. Most bloggers do this (that’s why we are bloggers) but it doesn’t necessarily help us in our decision making.

I’ve Paid for This Twice Already – Don’t define your journey by your setbacks but by your triumphs.

Dawn @ Iowahippiechick – I think what I’ve learned the most since starting financial blogging, is to make every dollar count. Making that a mantra of some sorts, helps me think a little, before spending it frivolously.
Also, as savingdiva does, putting the bits of money that I may earn on the side towards a specific goal.
In other words—making every dollar count :-)
I think there is a lot of financial power to that frame of thought!

Debt Diet – I’ve learned that I’m not the only one in this situation, and that I have what I need to be able to change it.

It’s not too late to share what you have learned on your journey- whether that be with a financial or ‘fat’ turnaround or any other tips for breaking bad habits and starting good ones. Thanks to all who have participated!


I started this blog with the desire to improve my finances and hopefully help someone else do the same. Shortly after starting work on improving my financial life I decided to attack my weight problem too. Since making that decision I decided to relaunch the site with a new name and URL. So….welcome to the new Finance and Fat blog!

Now that I have finally decided what to write about, look for more frequent posts on both losing weight and gaining wealth. Also, look for a new site design shortly, hopefully ready to be rolled out today.

Might as Well Lose Some Weight Too

Since I’ve gained great focus on improving my finances, I can see that focus spreading to other areas of my life as well. I am currently at the heaviest weight of my life- 266 pounds. About six years ago, I had hit an all-time high of 255 pounds and that inspired me to get to work and dropped all the way down to 205 in under a year. Since then, my weight has gradually crept up, but in the last year I’ve gained about twenty to thirty pounds without even realizing it.

Actually, I have a pretty good idea of how that happened- World of Warcraft. If you don’t know what that is, let me just summarize by saying that it is a horrible time sink of a video game that sucked away all my free time and productivity for the past year and a half or so. Since starting to play it, I have seen huge regression in my job related learning (advancing my skills off work time) and just about any other productive activity that I used to engage in (exercise clearly included). Realizing this is my biggest obstacle to getting healthy, I have now canceled my account. Look for more updates on my weight progress as I focus on losing weight and debt at the same time!

Posted in Fat