Reader Tip Roundup – How to Change Your Life

I received a lot of great comments in response to my post, What I Have Learned Since Starting My ‘Finance and Fat’ Turnaround. Here is a compilation, in the order they were posted, with links to the bloggers who shared their wisdom. Enjoy these tips and be sure to visit these sites as well. I read them all regularly and highly recommend them.
Single Guy Money – I’ve learned that I in order for my financial position to improve, I must get rid of DEBT!

Mrs. Micah – I’ve learned a lot, including that I’m going to be in debt for years (but I can influence how many) and it’s hard to attack debt when you’re in an flexible income situation.

Making Money Journal – If you are part of a couple, both have to be on board the get our of debt bandwagon, otherwise the climb will be nearly impossible.

Quest For Four Pillars – What have I learned? Maybe not to over-analyze too much. Most bloggers do this (that’s why we are bloggers) but it doesn’t necessarily help us in our decision making.

I’ve Paid for This Twice Already – Don’t define your journey by your setbacks but by your triumphs.

Dawn @ Iowahippiechick – I think what I’ve learned the most since starting financial blogging, is to make every dollar count. Making that a mantra of some sorts, helps me think a little, before spending it frivolously.
Also, as savingdiva does, putting the bits of money that I may earn on the side towards a specific goal.
In other words—making every dollar count :-)
I think there is a lot of financial power to that frame of thought!

Debt Diet – I’ve learned that I’m not the only one in this situation, and that I have what I need to be able to change it.

It’s not too late to share what you have learned on your journey- whether that be with a financial or ‘fat’ turnaround or any other tips for breaking bad habits and starting good ones. Thanks to all who have participated!

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